Our Services

Our Services


If you are looking launch a new brand, design or redesign your existing labels or launching a new product, we’re a one-stop solution to all your design needs. We offer:

  1. Packaging design:
    • Key line drawing
    • Packaging material selection
    • Label graphics
    • Photography (if required)
    • Regulatory compliances as per the FSSAI for India
    • Regulatory compliances for export to various other countries
    • Translations
  2. Logo design
  3. Brochures and handouts
  4. Publication design
  5. POP material

We also check existing labels as per the regulations for India as well as for other countries.

Food Photography

We specialise in food photography and have an in house food photography studio. We click photographs for:

  1. Package labels
  2. Hotels, restaurants, bars and cafés
  3. Social media
  4. Websites
  5. Advertisements or any other means for publicity
  6. Publications, etc.

We also offer product photography, specifically for food packages.

Consultancy Services

  1. Packaging requirements

    We assist in selection of packaging materials, the key line drawing and packaging viability.

  2. Food Regulations

    All kinds of assistance regarding food regulations in India, for domestic and export markets.

  3. Printing

    We also assist in making the designs print friendly and economical.